Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami | CAROLINE & BART

Stylowe wesele w Hotelu Starym i ślub w Pałacu Pod Baranami

We had six months to organize Caroline and Bart’s wedding. Apparently it’s not so much time, but we managed to create so many beautiful things. ???? The concept changed many times. However definitely won the combination of modern style with tradition in the spirit of „old meets new”. We invite you to a stylish wedding reception in the Hotel Stary and the wedding ceremony in the Pałac Pod Baranami, which took place on a sunny, hot, August Saturday and emotionally consumed us for a good few days!

When ”the stylish wedding” came up, we already knew where we would organize the ceremony itself. There was no way out. The Pałac pod Baranami – the very heart of historic Krakow, and at the same time a beautiful Renaissance building. The rooms are decorated with ornaments and crystal chandeliers, highlighted by creamy floral compositions. There’s nothing more to say here. It was beautiful and stylish for sure!

There was no doubt to the place where the wedding reception will be hold. The celebration in the Hotel Stary started with a small cocktail party on the top terrace with a stunning view of Krakow’s Market Square and St. Mary’s Church. In the background we could hear hypnotizing voice of soul singer. What happened next? Carefree joy, champagne fun and touching speeches according to British tradition. The Hotel Stary is definitely a unique place for a stylish wedding.

The floral compositions climbing up the walls gave the sense of style and complemented the atmosphere. Tables decorations was enriched by black details, from flowers to napkins. The guest tables were marked with the names of Bride and Groom favourite songs. Fairy light walls and ceilings with suspended lamps made truly spectacular atmosphere. Everything was… like a fairy tale. And fairy tales are what we love!

Photos: Nati & Alex

Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  01Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  02Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  03Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  04Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  05Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  06Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  07Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  08Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  09Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  10Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  11Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  12Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  13Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  14Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  15Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  16Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  17Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  17Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  18Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  19Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  20Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  21Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  22Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  23Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  24Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  25Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  26Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  27Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  28Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  29Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  30Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  31Stylowe wesele w Hotelu Starym i ślub w Pałacu Pod BaranamiStylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  32Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  33Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  34Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  35Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  36Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  37Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  38Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  39Stylish wedding reception in Hotel Stary and wedding ceremony in Pałac Pod Baranami  40